Your choice of investments in today's economy are almost too numerous to list; bank CDs, savings bonds, stocks and bonds, mutual funds, precious metals, and the list goes on and on. In this episode, Bill examines the top reasons why real estate stands alone as a superior investment compared to all other investment options out there.
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Vinney Chopra, who controls over $156 million in multifamily properties in the US and internationally, has, over the last 10 years, found amazing deals in hot markets where properties significantly increase in value in just a few short years. In this episode, Vinney shares some of his "insider" secrets on how he finds hot new markets where you can consistently generate phenomenal returns.
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When you start buying larger multifamily properties, your deals will take on a whole new dimension. You will likely be dealing with investors and, if you are syndicating, you'll also have to deal with SEC regulations and attorneys. In this episode, Bill will talking about how to attract investors, how to go about developing those relationships and how to do it in a way that all parties are well informed, happy with their returns and will stick around for the next investment.
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Michael Becker has a track record unlike few others. In less than 4 years, Mike has acquired over 4,000 units. That's right! 4,000 units in less than 4 years! In this very special podcast, Mike will be sharing some of his insider secrets on how he got there so fast. In his interview he will be discussing tips for working with brokers (your number one source of great deals), leveraging and how to find the best off-market deals.
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April 18th is quickly approaching! If you are a real estate investor, this is a good day for you because you can enjoy the many great tax deductions available to you as an investor. In this episode, Bill goes over a quick checklist of the top real estate investor deductions so you can make sure you included all that apply before you file your returns.
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Samuel K. Freshman literally wrote the book on modern real estate syndication. He has been practicing law, syndicating and investing in real estate for over 60 years. In this episode, Mr. Freshman shares his wisdom and successful insight on a host of topics ranging from syndicating basics to finding investors to buying smart. He presents the complexities of syndication in a way that is logical and easy to understand.
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In this episode, Bill answers the question, "If I had $100,000 to invest in real estate, how would I do it?" Now, granted, there are many many ways to invest in real estate. However, Bill tackles the question from a rental property cash flow point of view and you may be surprised with the results.
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In this episode, Reed Goossens, a US-based Australian investor, shares how he grew his real estate investment business from one duplex to over 600 units. As an out-of-state investor, he attributes much of his success to building strong teams in each property location. He shares a few of his valuable tips on how to build top quality “boots on the ground.”
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