Will becoming a millionaire really set you free? Americans work harder than ever before to pursue freedom, based on the delusion that more money and success will lead to a better life. The typical American trades the vast majority of their time and energy for the hope that, someday, they will be free. Meanwhile, their intense pursuit of financial success is the very thing robbing them of freedom. So, where do we find freedom? What should we pursue? In this episode, Steve Cook, a real estate investor and the author of the book Lifeonaire, challenges you to consider what it is that you really desire.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/becoming-a-lifeonaire/
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Are you approaching retirement concerned that you might not have the funds you need? Or, are you already retired and wondering if your retirement nest egg will meet your future needs and provide the lifestyle you desire? In this episode, top old dawg Bill Manassero shares the challenges he faced with those same questions and how he found a solution through real estate investing.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/why-real-estate-in-my-60s/
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What do you get when you put together an over-worked emergency room physician with an amusement park company executive? All the right components to establish a booming real estate enterprise that has only begun to take the country by storm. In this podcast episode, Tom and Tim Black, two multifamily property brothers, share how they were able to grow a real estate empire to $70 million in just two years.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/brothers-create-lifetime-cashflow/
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We have all heard the old adage "It takes money to make money." And, for the most part, that’s true. But it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to spend “a lot of money” to get started in real estate investing. In this episode, Bill shares a little secret that can allow you to purchase your rental property for only 3.5% down!
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/buy-rental-property-for-3-5-down/
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Can you grow a successful real estate business without even seeing the properties you buy? According to Brian Ellwood, yes, you can, IF you have the right team in place. In this podcast, Brian Ellwood, author of Fire Yourself, shares the secrets of how he went from part-time bird dogger to owner of a multi-million dollar virtual real estate enterprise.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/virtual-real-estate-investing/
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People often associate the word ‘investing’ with terms like stocks, bonds, annuities, etc. Hardly, does the thought of owning a rental property ever come across their minds. However, when compared with other types of investments, investing in real estate, especially in your own income-producing rental properties, is a far better option in several ways. In this episode, Bill shares five reasons real estate investing is the best for generating cash flow in retirement.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/5-reasons-real-estate-best-4-retirement/
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For the last 40 plus years, Jay Henrichs has been a real estate broker, sold raw land, built developments, been a mortgage banker and hard money lender, sold timber, and survived multiple recessions. He became what he had to be based on the situation -- even if it meant going outside the realm of conventional real estate investing. In this episode, Jay shares his sage wisdom and advice for those considering investing for the first time or for those already investing but considering a shift in their business model.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/rei-outside-the-box/
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Which are better investments, Single Family Homes or Multifamily Apartments? Also, if I take out a mortgage in the name of my new LLC, how will they determine credit history without any on the LLC? In today’s Ask Bill episode, Bill answers these listener questions.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/ask-bill-single-family-vs-multifamily-llcs/
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Real estate investing has many different asset classes but there is one where rental income is generated with no tenants. In this episode, Hunter Thompson, podcaster and founder of Cash Flow Connections, examines the inflation-resistant benefits of self-storage facility investments.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/investing-in-self-storage-facilities/
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Buy ‘n hold investors are beginning to see the advantages of utilizing AirBNB to increase cash flow, supplement “traditional” buy ‘n hold properties and a means to capitalize on one of the biggest hospitality growth industries on the planet. In this episode, Bill shares how his thoughts on AirBNB and a brief recap of his trip to Indianapolis to begin test converting some apartment units to AirBNB rentals.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/update-on-indy-airbnb-units/
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The tax benefits of the self-directed solo 401-K are ideal for real estate investors. In this episode, our guest, Dmitriy Fomichenko, discusses the multiple benefits of the self-directed solo 401-K and how you can qualify to open this valuable investing vehicle for your real estate investing activities.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/self-directed-solo-401k_for_rei/
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Buying a rental property is largely similar to buying a residential property. However, some important differences do exist. In this episode, Bill explains the main steps you need to follow once you have made the decision to buy an investment property.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/finding-and-keeping-great-tenants/
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One of the greatest challenges to maintaining profitable rental properties is finding and keeping good tenants. In this episode, Steve White, founder and CEO of RentPrep, a leading nationwide screening and background check company, shares practical tips on how to strategically find great tenants who will renew their lease year-after-year.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/finding-and-keeping-great-tenants/
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Real estate investing is amazing because there are many possibilities. Not only are there multiple types of real estate investing (flipping, buy and hold, commercial, deeds, liens, development and more), but there is also a lot of room for creativity. In this episode, Bill doesn't ask the question "Can you buy a house for $1,000," but instead, assuming you can, ask's "where" can you buy a house for $1,000.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/where-to-buy-a-house-for-1000/
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Buying properties below market rates has a host of advantages, not withstanding, the creation of instant equity upon purchase. In this episode, veteran real estate investor and author Larry Goins shares "insider secrets" on how to purchase HUD homes, sometimes as low as 50% below market. Utilizing tried and tested techniques and systems developed over the last 30 plus years, Larry has created a successful real estate enterprise that continues to thrive today.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/hud-homes-at-half-off/
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Multifamily housing is growing more and more competitive. Finding and securing a deal in the right market at the right time is not easy. That's why smart investors are seeking out great properties in secondary and tertiary markets. In this episode, Bill shares the top 15 U.S. sub-markets experiencing the highest population growth.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/15-fastest-growing-submarkets/
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Achieving extraordinary things is just a matter of staying pinpoint focused on that “one thing” you are seeking to achieve! In today’s episode, Jay Papasan, successful entrepreneur, real estate investor and author of the book entitled The One Thing, shares how simplifying and focusing our efforts can quickly yield tremendous results.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/one-thing-jay-papasan/
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The Old Dawg's REI Network receives many questions from podcast listeners via email, through our website at olddawgsreinetwok.com, through other outside websites (like Quora, etc.), by phone and in person. In this episode, we are introducing a new monthly Fun Facts Friday feature called "Ask Bill" where Bill will answer on the air some of the top questions received during the month.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/ask-bill-listeners-questions/
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Jason Hartman is a self-made multi-millionaire and serial entrepreneur who hosts 20 podcasts, has started 21 companies, owned properties in 11 states and visited 79 countries. In this episode, Jason shares his "insider" real estate investing secrets and discusses how he has managed to invest both smart and conservatively in multiple diverse markets.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/investing-smart-in-diverse-markets/
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Embarking on the path to successful real estate investing is not always easy, but it's even more difficult if you don't know your why. In this episode, Bill looks back as his time in Haiti as an illustration of the importance of having and knowing your why before you get involved in real estate investing.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/knowing-your-why/
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This smart old dawg has been ramping up for retirement since March of 2015 and already has more than 25 units. In this episode, Mackal Smith, a 20 plus year Microsoft employee and part-time real estate investor, shares how he is generating significant rental income for his future retirement while still working a full-time job.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/real-estate-cash-flow-machine/
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When you dive head first into real estate investing you'll see and experience things that you may never have expected. In this episode, Bill shares some of his personal "not so great" experiences that, although painful, are, nonetheless, an important part of every investors education.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/prostitutes-property-managers-airbnb/
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Frank McKinney went from high-school drop-out to Ferrari-driving tennis instructor to house flipper to multi-million dollar custom home designer to philanthropist who now builds self-sustaining villages for the poor of Haiti. In this episode, Frank shares his amazing journey and the things he has learned along the way.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/rei-to-change-the-world/
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When it comes to investing in commercial real estate, it's not as complicated as some people make it out to be. There are some simple short-cuts and methods that help make some of the more complicated stuff of real estate investing a little easier. When, analyzing deals, for example, in the interest of time, there are certain established “rules of thumb” that help us quickly and easily determine whether the property or asset we are assessing is a good deal or not. In this episode, Bill examines some of the top rules of thumb being used today by successful investors.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/real-estate-investing-rule-of-thumb/
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When you start off in real estate investing, you either need to have the cash, a source to borrow the cash or another way to generate the cash. That's why many people start out wholesaling or flipping houses. In this episode, you will meet someone who has a unique and quick way to generate cash -- flipping cars! Abhi Golthar, a successful real estate investor, shares how he first got started in real estate by flipping classic cars.
For complete show notes go to: http://olddawgsreinetwork.com/classic-cars-to-real-estate-empire/
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