Investing out-of-state is an important decision for real estate investors. Although there are significant advantages, there are definitely negatives as well. Before making that decision, carefully consider the benefits and drawbacks first to make sure it is for you. In this episode, Bill, who only invests out-of-state, shares some of his top out-of-state investing pros and cons.
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Some say Southern California prices are too high and there’s little margin for fix ‘n flip profits, but for 20-year fix ‘n flipper veteran Joe Homs, business is great! In this episode, we discover the secrets of successful flipping in an economy with compressed CAP rates, sky high home prices and limited inventory.
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Every real estate investor makes mistakes. In fact, it’s an important part of the learning process. What’s important is what we learn from and do with these mistakes and how they help make us better investors. In this episode, Bill shares his personal top 5 real estate investing mistakes to-date.
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Do you have what it takes to generate significant cash flow from your real estate investments. In this episode, John Lee Dumas, founder and host of Entrepreneur on Fire podcast, shares his journey from Army Armor Platoon Leader in Iraq to law school drop-out to corporate financier, real estate broker to podcast host generating over $200,000 a month - all before the age of 34. His determination and enthusiasm are contagious and this podcast should motivate, inspire and ignite your desire to succeed!
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